


Young farmers need finance, know-how

Over the past 20 years, sub-Saharan Africa has registered the highest rate of agricultural production in the world. There have been knock-on effects with the...

Agriculture sector remains resilient amidst Covid-19 scare – Group

Chief Executive Officer for the Ghana Incentive-Based Risk-Sharing System for Agriculture Lending (GILSAL), Kwasi Korboe says the agriculture sector remains resilient in the mire...

Ugandan sugar to hit the Kenyan market after talks

After the collapse of the sugar industry in Kenya, the country is set to receive sugar from Uganda. Kenyan will be receiving 90,000 metric...

Nigeria’s most important crops

According to Taiwo Oyaniran, an associate director at PwC Nigeria, agriculture is a key sector in Nigeria, contributing around 22% to the country’s annual...

KZN couple cash in on growing demand for mushroom spawn

When Sandra and Neil van Rij ventured into mushroom farming in 2008, they went all out, setting up both spawn production and a commercial...

How much should you invest offshore?

Offshore investing is no longer a luxury reserved for a few, but has become a key financial planning requirement for all investors seeking to...

Going organic – with care

Sustainability, it is clear, has always been a priority for the Bosmans: no fewer than eight generations of this family have farmed on Lelienfontein...

Growing hemp: SA takes a step closer to commercial cultivation

Hailing from a family of vegetable growers, ‘master grower’ Natie Ferreira looks the part, with his lush beard and hard-working hands. Based in the...

Offshore investment made easy

In the eyes of many investors, there has always been a deep gulf between ‘local’ and ‘offshore’ investment. But times have changed. Special allowances...

Senwes is offering R20 million in production loans to black farmers

In terms of the approval conditions, Senwes is required to extend material financial assistance to black farmers. Senwes will therefore once again provide production loans...

