


Three fertilizer plants announced, adding to long-stalling Limbé project

Cameroonian company Vision Global and its American partner plan to invest XAF500 billion in the construction of two organic and chemical fertilizer manufacturing plants. ...

Solve those crop problems yourself, and save thousands!

On discovering a problem with their crop, many farmers panic and call in a consultant. This can produce good results, but sometimes even a...

Zimbabwean exemption permits extended again

This comes after the Department of Home Affairs extended the validity of exemption permits from the end of June until 31 December 2023, due...

Sub-Saharan Africa’s economy set to recover in 2021 – World Bank

African countries have made remarkable investments to keep their economies afloat and protect the lives and livelihoods of their people over the past year,...

Unleashing the Potential of Potato Farming: A Guide to Agronomic Practices for Profitable Harvests.

ntroduction: Potatoes are a versatile crop that are grown worldwide and form an essential part of the human diet. They are a staple food that...

Trans-PALM: Easy loading and light and strong body!

The internationally known JOSKIN company proposes a wide range of products, from slurry tankers and muck spreaders to tipping trailers. Among those last, the...

Record production puts pressure on global grain prices

US grain and oilseed prices traded slightly lower during trade in the first week of August as global forecasts predicted a record global grain...

Maize trials show soil benefits of undersown grass mixes

Undersowing maize with companion grass mixes can provide an effective way to prevent compaction during harvest, while also reducing nutrient loss and winter soil...

Tobacco Farmers Advised To Adopt Healthier Alternatives

Tobacco farmers in the country have been urged to shift to other healthier alternatives for their own health and that of the nation. The Non-Communicable...

Smart Farming: Continental Shows Intelligent Technologies for a More Sustainable Agriculture

Under the slogan “Our Smart Farming. For your harvest of tomorrow,” the technology company Continental will present its competences and forward-looking product solutions for...

