


Reap the fruits of success with John Deere tractors

New growth is bursting out all over the country now that summer is in full swing. Local and export markets are already eagerly awaiting...

New feed waste solution for dairy farmers

Based in Yorkshire in the UK, JF Hudson develops innovative solutions, in the form of a diverse range of products and services, to help farmers...

Tractor shopping: tips for first-time buyers

Having the right tool for the job is the first step in getting things done correctly and timeously. But when choosing a tractor, the...

The CM-CT6 compost turner: Making good-quality compost

When making compost, aeration and hydration of the compost pile is essential to keep the microbial activity on the go, preventing stagnation and ensuring...

New combination cultivators for seedbed preparation

Amazone, the German manufacturer of agricultural machinery for soil tillage, sowing, fertilising, and plant protection, recently announced the launch of two new rigid models...

An innovative new harvesting tool

A new harvesting tool that collects location data now enables farmers to easily determine the amount of fruit produced in a specific area of...

Design your own Massey Ferguson tractor at the push of a button!

Dieter Schroder, owner of DT Farming Trust in Winterton, KwaZulu-Natal, and his son-in-law Ross Braithwaite were in the market for a new tractor for their...

A plough to improve carbon storage

LEMKEN has developed the Carbon Farming Plough in collaboration with the Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF). ZALF’s work on the yield and climate...

John Deere at NAMPO 2022: Together, we move forward!

In gratitude and honourable remembrance of those who are not with us anymore, we are delighted to once again go full steam ahead with...

Agricultural implements: why buying local is still the way to go

It is the responsibility of every good farm manager, owner and producer to make decisions that will benefit their land. When it comes to...

