York Farm specialises in growing vegetables like potatoes, butternut squash, peppers, and onions, as well as farming cattle and game. The farm uses Agrico centre pivots to sustainably irrigate crops.
Meanwhile, another Agrico machine is hard at work on the farm: The T1000 Ripper. According to Van der Linde, this machine is exactly what he needed to take his farming operation to new heights.
Thorough tillage is key to success
For Van der Linde, the process of ripping is critical for the success of his crops.
“You need a ripper to tear into your soil when it’s on the dry side. That’s how you break open the soil, and after that, you can follow up with other machinery to prepare a fine seedbed for planting,” explains Van der Linde.
The ripper (via its roller) smooths the surface, breaks clods, and ensures a finished job. In some cases, this is enough to create the seedbed, allowing you to plant directly thereafter.
An energy-efficient design with automatic reset mechanism
The T1000 ripper on Van der Linde’s farm features 11 tines, each requiring 25kW. Depending on soil conditions, the implement can work to depths of around 630mm, ensuring sufficient oxygen release for the crop to be planted. It also helps trap rainwater and prevent run-off.
“I could never rip so deep before. Thankfully, we have a big enough tractor to pull the implement: it works like a dream,” Van der Linde says.
The tines of the T1000 ripper automatically reset without wasting work time. They reset during operation without reducing speed or raising the implement, making it ideal for soil with embedded rocks. This mechanism also protects the rest of the implement’s structure, ensuring a longer lifespan.
“The ripper holds its depth while working. Every time it hits a tough rock, the whole machine doesn’t come up and go back; only one tine does,” says Theo van Staden, branch manager at Agrico Nylstroom.
A thinner plate design ensures that less energy is needed for each tine to be pulled through the soil, resulting in less power required per tine. The impact is focused on the shear.
“We all agree that this is a ripper we can sell with peace of mind. You never question whether you’ve made a mistake—it’s always a success story,” says Van Staden.
Built for South Africa’s tough conditions
The Agrico T1000 was locally designed and built specifically for South Africa’s challenging terrains. Durable, energy-efficient, and designed to handle even the toughest soils, the T-series rippers provide years of reliable service with minimal demands in return.
High-strength materials reduce wear on the tines and ensure long service life. All parts are securely attached but easy to replace, while coiled springs extend the implement’s lifespan.
“I’m really glad I bought an Agrico machine, because this thing is tough. A ripper needs to be strong; it can’t be flimsy,” says Van der Linde.
The frame on the structure acts as a protector for the tine. While the shear performs the task, wear on it is minimised. The angular shape of the roller also ensures clods are broken with ease. Parts for this implement are readily available due to standardisation between different models.
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