The importance of agriculture in Nigeria’s economy cannot be overstated. Farming and livestock rearing are the main livelihood for over 70 per cent of...
Sustainability, it is clear, has always been a priority for the Bosmans: no fewer than eight generations of this family have farmed on Lelienfontein...
Hailing from a family of vegetable growers, ‘master grower’ Natie Ferreira looks the part, with his lush beard and hard-working hands. Based in the...
The ongoing Affordable Inputs Programme (AIP) is likely to be seriously hampered following the pulling out of thirteen companies – including major agro-dealers –...
BULAWAYO peri-urban farmers have decried the exorbitant prices of maize seed and fertilizer.
The rains which fall in the city Wednesday have stampeded farmers into...
In the eyes of many investors, there has always been a deep gulf between ‘local’ and ‘offshore’ investment. But times have changed. Special allowances...
Agriculture plays a pivotal role in the African economic activity catering for more than two thirds of the continent’s working population. According to FAO...
In terms of the approval conditions, Senwes is required to extend material financial assistance to black farmers.
Senwes will therefore once again provide production loans...