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Zimbabwe: Farmers Call for Micro-Irrigation

Farmers have called on the Government to increase investment in micro-irrigation facilities for smallholder farmers to ensure household and national food security. The calls come...

The pros and cons of drip irrigation

Many types of irrigation are available; it will pay you to explore all the options carefully before making a commitment. It is well known, for...

ETHIOPIA: Israel’s Water Ways to supply modern irrigation systems

Water Ways Technologies has won a contract worth almost $297,000 for smart irrigation and drip systems in Ethiopia. The Israeli agro-technology company will install...

MADAGASCAR: The World Bank grants $40 million for irrigation development

The World Bank is granting $40 million to the government of Madagascar. The funding will allow the development of irrigated agriculture, within the framework...

Only 88,950 out of 3.4 million hectares irrigated, agric outputs suffer

A total of 3.4 million hectares of land in Nigeria need irrigation. However, only 88,95 hectares currently benefit from the practice, leaving the rest...

ELMS update at Oxford Farming Conference

Minister for food, farming and fisheries Mark Spencer opened the talk on UK Policy at OFC 2023. He said that as a farmer himself,...

Irrigation schemes in sub-Saharan Africa are consistently falling short of their promises

Irrigation schemes in sub-Saharan Africa don’t measure up to their plans according to new research into the projects by scientists. Many of the schemes...

Start a land-based tourism business with new diversification guide

TwitterLinkedinpinterestmail Vintage Land Rovers for weddings was the inspiration behind Scottish business Bonnets & Boots The opportunities for diversification have this week been boosted by a...

Valley Irrigation Acquires PrecisionKing

Valley Irrigation, The Leader in Precision Irrigation®, has acquired PrecisionKing, a Mississippi-based ag tech company with products focused on moisture monitoring, pump control and...

Valley® Introduces Pump Command™ – An Intelligent, Automated Control Solution for Irrigation Pumps

Valley® Irrigation, The Leader in Precision Irrigation®, has released Pump Command™, a new solution for growers to automate pumping and wirelessly control irrigation pumps. The...

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